A high temperature dried Lucerne that is chopped to provide scratch factor and structure to the diet without reducing nutrient density.
High in quality effective structural fibre. It improves rumen function and provides a floating mat in the rumen.
88% dry matter, which stimulates dry matter intake.
Provides the scratch factor in the ration without reducing the nutrient density of bulk of the diet as straw does.
Helps increase saliva production, which contains high levels of natural bicarbonate to help buffer the rumen and reduce acidosis.
Consistently high in natural proteins.
Has a pH 6.5-7. It helps buffer the rumen when feeding large amounts of cereals, maize silage, compounds, acidic or wet silages.
Has high levels of naturally occurring beta-carotene, antioxidants and vitamins which aid fertility through stronger heats and more viable eggs being flushed.
Consistent and fully traceable; each bale is individually numbered.
Contains natural Biotin, which improves hoof quality.
Easy to handle and store – every tonne you buy gets fed, so there is no wastage.
Nutritional Analysis
Dry Matter 88-90%
Protein. 14-16% As Fed
ME. 10 MJ/kg
Oil. 2.5%
Fibre. 27-28%
Ash. 10%
NDF. 42-45%
ADF 32-35%
Calcium 1.5%
Phosphorous 0.25%